The creation of this E-portfolio has allowed for me to bring my resume and personality together in a professional and interesting way. Before creating the E-portfolio, the only online professional presence I had was an out of date linked-in profile. This E-portfolio was a chance for me to create an online outlet for future employers or advisors to get to know my skills and personality in a fun and easy way. What I enjoyed most about creating and maintaining this portfolio was the ability to personalize it. The ability to customize the portfolio allowed me to have my personality be the central theme, but I was able to show it through personalized writing. The most challenging aspect of the E-portfolio was the initial creation of it. In the beginning I was using Wix ADI, a program that relies on artificial intelligence to make creating the website easier; however, this made it harder to customize the E-portfolio. Switching over to Wix Editor allowed me to have much more control over the design, layout, and theme of my website; however, it was much more complex and time consuming. This made creating my website much more stressful, but in the end allowed for a better outcome overall. The advice I would give to future students regarding the E-portfolio is to start creating the website early. Creating a layout that functions properly is extremely challenging, and can quickly become stressful if not enough time is set aside to experiment. The most interesting portion of this course was paralinguistics; I also really enjoyed learning about approach and avoidance signals. I enjoy public speaking, and believe that mastering paralingistings is one of the most important parts of being a public speaker. Approach and avoidance signals were especially interesting to me because it made me more aware of the signals I was sending to others. It also allowed me to better control my approach and avoidance signals, which helped me have more control over the interactions I faced daily. The Popular Press Analysis taught me a lot about researching scholarly journals. In order to find good scholarly journals, I had to spend a lot of time reading through different article summaries. I had expected this to be easy, but it was a long and frustrating process. In the end, I needed to seek help from my professor to find good relative articles. This taught me to always start research in advanced, because, although a paper may be easy, finding good scholarly journals can be a difficult task. The Short Film Analysis was much easier than the Popular Press Analysis in terms of both writing and research. I learned that there is a lot to learn by paying attention to peoples’ nonverbal communication. I learned that in order to properly understand interactions, and some movies in this case, I had to pay attention to the communication outside of the sound and dialogue. I would like to continue my academic career into graduate school, where I hope to study interpersonal communication more thoroughly. Nonverbal communication is a big portion of what fascinates me in interpersonal interactions, so this course had helped me tremendously in understanding the aspects of interaction that I love most. Being that I also love public speaking, becoming more aware of the nonverbal aspect of speaking was essential to furthering my public speaking skills. Aside from the academic benefit of this course, studying nonverbal communication allowed me to become more aware of the signals I am sending to others during interaction; this has helped me send signals and messages more purposefully. Overall, the E-portfolio has allowed me to create a professional online presence that I have the ability to expand as I continue my academic career.